The publishing organisation of the Jesuits in Ireland.

With Christ in Service – Jesuit Lives through the Ages


Paddy Carberry SJ

“With Christ in Service – Jesuit Lives through the Ages” offers a profound exploration of the rich legacy of the Jesuit order, spanning centuries of service, sacrifice, and spiritual dedication. Through captivating narratives and insightful analysis, this book delves into the lives of Jesuit men and women who have devoted themselves to serving humanity in various capacities, from education and mission work to social justice activism.

The variety is suggestive of the Jesuits’ range of activities: from the hidden ministry of Claude la Colombière to the public protests of Dan Berrigan; from the unimaginable journeys of Francis Xavier to the theological insights of Karl Rahner; from the heroism of Edmund Campion to the inspiring leadership of Pedro Arrupe.

Readers will be transported through time, from the early days of Ignatius of Loyola and the founding of the Society of Jesus to the present day, as they encounter inspiring stories of courage, compassion, and unwavering faith. From missionaries in distant lands to scholars shaping intellectual discourse, each Jesuit profiled in this book embodies the timeless values of service, learning, and spiritual discernment.

With compelling storytelling and meticulous research, “With Christ in Service” sheds light on the enduring influence of the Jesuit tradition and its impact on individuals and communities around the world. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a student of spirituality, or simply curious about the lives of remarkable individuals, this book offers a captivating journey through the annals of Jesuit history.

Discover the extraordinary lives and legacies of Jesuits who have dedicated themselves to serving God and humanity, and find inspiration in their profound commitment to living out the Jesuit motto of ad majorem Dei gloriam – for the greater glory of God.



With Christ in Service – Jesuit Lives through the Ages

210 x 140 mm